Swan lake

Once upon a time in a land of great riches a grand ball was held to celebrate Prince Bruno’s birthday as he was now old enough to rule the kingdom. The Queen, Bruno’s mother, wanted to use the ball as an opportunity for her son to choose his future wife. Girls came from far and wide, each of them hoping that she would be chosen by the Prince. But the Prince didn’t want to get married at all and, and completely bored with the ball, he saddled up his horse and galloped off into the woods....PRESS PLAY TO LISTEN TO THE TALE


Tag: swan, prince, princess, lake, magician, love TIME: 6'03"
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Why the wicked magician converted girls in swans?

With who falls in love the prince, Odette or Odile?

What's the prince name?

Does the tale has a good ending?


Magic trick: think a number. Add 3. Multiply per 2. Take away 8. Divide per 2. The result + 1 is the inicial number.